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Family Law Blog New City, New York

News and insights about divorce and family law in New York.

The Effect of Alcohol and Drug Use on New York Custody Cases

Whether you are concerned about the alcohol or drug use of the parent of your child, or your own use has been questioned, alcohol and drug use can impact your New York custody case.

The use of drugs and alcohol can affect the entire family; however, the impact of parental alcohol or drug abuse can be especially devastating to a child. Like all legal cases involving children, the court’s objective is to come to a custody arrangement that is in the best interest of the child. Because parental substance abuse can deprive the child of stability, safety, and a healthy relationship with the using parent, the court takes parental drug and alcohol use seriously.

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Getting Custody of Your Children Back in New York

Losing custody of a child is devastating: whether you have lost all custody rights or are simply unhappy with your current custody order, having restricted access to your child doesn’t have to be permanent. With the help of a qualified and experienced New York family law attorney, you can regain custody or change your current custody agreement in certain circumstances.

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What You Need to Know About Getting a Divorce in New York

Getting a divorce is a hard decision that requires careful thought and planning. As an experienced New York divorce attorney, I have helped hundreds of clients navigate through this stressful and difficult time.

While every divorce is unique, there are standard guidelines and requirements that apply to every New York divorce: by understanding the divorce basics, you can be better prepared for your initial consultation with a qualified family lawyer.

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3 Tips on Sharing Child Custody During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is here!

No matter which holidays you celebrate, or how far in advance you begin preparations, the holiday season is always busy and stressful. But when you share custody of your children with an ex, the holiday season can turn into a battleground when conflicting family events put your co-parenting arrangement to the test.

Minimize conflict with your ex by following these 3 simple tips on sharing custody during the holiday season:

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What are a Father’s Custody Rights in New York?

One of the most common misconceptions about child custody is that the court will always favor giving custody to the mother over the father. While at one time that was the case, modern courts have changed their way of thinking and are embracing the positive impact a father’s role has on their child’s life.


The evolution of father’s rights in New York New York

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